Wednesday, April 1, 2009

From My Cyber Readings Here and There

Hey, this guy thinks that brazilian women living in the USA are mediocre.

Brazilian Girls in the United States
I chatted up a Brazilian girl at a coffee shop recently. She was a solid 6 I’d say, but unfortunately her English was flawless. Not only did she have a firm grasp of English idioms but her accent was minimal. She was just as much Brazilian as American, and with her mediocre appearance it wasn’t at all worth pursuing. She was going for a graduate degree in something like finance.I have some bad news for guys trying to get their first Brazilian notch in the United States: Brazilian girls who live here are second-rate. They are more educated, more ambitious, less attractive, and less sensual. I’m starting to think that Brazilian girls who come to the U.S. do so because they can’t physically compete in Brazil. They come to D.C. for school instead of being a model or actress because working in an office building is all they got left in life.I’ve dated a couple Brazilian girls here and while they were nice, I would have gotten something five times better if I went directly to the source, with five times less effort. It’s scary how consistently mediocre the Brazilian girls here really are, and anyone who has met the rare hot Brazilian girl already knows how much attention she gets from horny Americans gringos."I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to generalize Brazilian girls from the ugly ones you meet here. You must go to Brazil to see how it’s really like. Boa sorte.

Pause for the supersized snort of the day... Hahahaha ;D

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. My blood type is O negative
2. I'm the youngest of 5 sisters.
3. I hate doing chores, especially cleaning bathrooms.
4. In a few ways, I'm not your average mormon gal. I don't like cooking, painting or gardening. I don't play an instrument. I can't sing. I hate scrapbooking and scrapbooks. I don't keep a journal.
5. I have three daughters. If you don't like children, well just screw you because I'm going to have more.
6. I can be very quiet or very talkative depending on who I am with.
7. I'm very sarcastic and tend to have a dirty mind.
8. I don't usually use bad language but I swear a lot in my thoughts. My favorites are "filho da p**a" and "f***-se". I’m not translating that…
9. I broke two toes one time when I was 18 and was dancing in the kitchen, wearing only my underwear and playing "air guitar" to the song "More Than a Feeling" (Boston)
10. Some people say I’m very fun to be with so maybe I am :)
11. I love the beach. Either the tropical beaches in my hometown or the cold Oregon/Washington coast.
12. I love opera. Especially the females singers. Callas, Tebaldi, Netrebko. I think they’re sublime. But I like other styles of music also.
13. I’m a death hag. I’m just fascinated about death. I’m attracted to morbid and odd stuff. I love cemeteries and already picked the kind of coffin and grave I want for me. You can ask me about it.
14. I love scary, gore movies
15. My childhood nickname is Piau (“pee-ow”), which is the name of a dark looking fish very abundant in Brazil. My oldest sister still calls me like that.
16. I went to college to become a surgical nurse but never finished it. And I no longer want to be a surgical nurse. What was I thinking???
17. I have three names. I’m not telling what the other two are. I hate them :D
18. I’m afraid of heights, swimming and flying cockroaches. Creepy.
19. No, I don’t dance samba. Please don’t ask for a private show :D
20. I met my husband on line.
21. I hate onion.
22. I’m an unapologetic conservative and proud of it. Oh, so are you a liberal? I don’t want to know, keep that to yourself.
23. My shoes size is 7.5
24. Yes my hair is naturally pitch black. I never died it. But maybe I should do it one of these days because some white hairs are already starting to show up.
25. Watching Lifetime Channel is my guilty pleasure. And I cannot believe I'm confessing it :D